Learn Texas Real Estate Online
Online Texas Real Estate Agent License, SAE and Broker courses


The Texas Real Estate Commission requires all 30-hour course final exams to be proctored.

Proctoring ensures that the person who took the course is the person who is taking the course exam as well. It also ensures that no cheating occurs when the student takes an exam. Proctoring means an unbiased party must watch you take each exam.

Use our online Proctor service:

Most students can’t find an appropriate proctor or don’t want the hassle of trying to find one. Therefore, Learn Texas Real Estate Online has partnered with an online proctor service company called ProctorFree.

Basically, all you need is a webcam and speakers, as ProctorFree’s system will video you taking your exams. Their system is designed to detect anomalies such as when the student opens a new browser or window. Other examples are when the student looks down at a book, notes, uses a cell phone, or another person enters the room, etc.

The video is flagged where any anomalies are present and then reviewed by a human at ProctorFree, as well as Learn Texas Real Estate Online, to ensure no cheating occurred during the testing process. Once it is determined that no cheating has occurred, the course completion certificate is then released.

If you want to have your Pre-license package include the online proctor service for all 6 exams, choose our $459 option, which has a fee of $10 per exam included. If you need SAE courses, please click on that webpage for price details.

Use your own Proctor:

This person cannot be a friend, a relative, or anyone who can benefit from you having a real estate license. We recommend you find a volunteer at a library, school, or church. Be sure to ask if there is a charge for this service.

A brief form will pop up in the system for you and the Proctor to complete, once you click on the exam. This is just basic contact information that is held in the system in case we are ever audited by TREC.

If you are purchasing a 6-course Pre-license package, choose our $399 package for this option. If you need SAE courses, please click on that webpage for price details.

NOTE: Regardless of which option you choose, all course final exams are closed book/notes. TREC only allows you to have a writing utensil, blank paper, and a simple calculator (no letters on it).

Purchase Proctor services after the fact:

Should you choose the option without proctoring and later decide to purchase proctor services from ProctorFree, please inform Learn Texas Real Estate Online via email, that you want to do so and let us know which exam you want to be proctored by them.

Next, you will need to click on the Paypal link below to pay $19 (per exam) before you can take the exam.  That link will allow you to pay using a debit card, a credit card, or Paypal.

NOTE: Setting up standalone (those ordered after the fact) proctored exams can take up to 24 hours and can only be set up on weekdays since one of the three parties involved is not available on weekends or holidays. However, once your exam is set up, you can take it 24/7, since a human is not involved at the video stage. 

What to expect from ProctorFree:

You will receive an email from ProctorFree to let you know you are set up and able to take your exam(s). Should you require assistance from them, you can reach them via chat on their website.

Click on the links below to learn more about the technical requirements, student support, and other FAQ’s.

Instructions on how to use their solution will be covered once you get to your exams within the courses…

ProctorFree – Technical Requirements

ProctorFree – Support